1. Foreword
Easy Mill is designed for hobbists and tool room machinists
whose jobs are mostly simple 2D or 2.5D machining. Market
available CAM software are either too complicated or too expensive
for such a simple job.
Easy Mill is a freeware for an EM machining program up to 6
features. Which is quite enough for most of the simple 2D or even
2.5D machining jobs.
For those professional machinists, who are intended to
machine more features in one part, upgrading Easy Mill to
commercial use can give 20, 50 or 100 features to each part. Please
check the “Upgrade” in “Help” menu.
Any feedback, suggestion or donation ☺ are very welcomed.
Please send it to easymill09@gmail.com
2. Basic Concepts
There are many different kinds of CNC controllers available on
the market. Most of them follow a language system called “RS274”
for the machinist to communicate with the CNC controller. In this
language, there are many different single alphabets to represent
different commands, such as, G, X, Y, Z, S, T, M,..,etc. Since G
command is the mostly used, most people refer this kind of language
as “G-Code”. You can search the internet with this key word for more
The latest revision of RS274 was done in 1980, roughly 30
years ago. There were so much improvement in electronics and
cutting tools technology after the last revision, and much more
demand for CNC machinists to achieve, which force the CNC
controller vendors started adding their own features into their
G-code systems. Until today, there is still no sign that the diversified
G-code systems will be harmonized in any way. Easy Mill tried to use
the most common G-codes adopted by the major controller vendors,
such as, Fanuc and Mitsubishi. Siemens and Heidenhain were also
considered, but not reviewed yet in current version.
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